
Introduction to Drug and Alcohol Abuse

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  • Introduction to Drug and Alcohol Abuse
January 22, 2018

Amazing Love Health Services (ALHS) also recognizes this week beginning January 22-28th 2018 to be Drugs and Alcohol awareness week.

Not Like enough hasn’t been said on this subject already but, here at ALHS we are particularly concerned about the need to raise awareness for the overbearing effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. More than 80% of the clients we serve at ALHS are dealing with Substance Abuse which has taken a toll on their physical and Mental Health.

Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others, and is a form of the substance-related disorder.

The exact cause of substance abuse is not clear, with the two predominant theories being: either a genetic disposition which is learned from others or a habit which if addiction develops, makes a person become physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol to the point that he or she cannot function without it.

Substance Abuse leads to short-term effects like; increased potential for heart attack, stroke, respiratory failure, coma increase, motor accidents and possible criminal action. In the long-term, substance abuse may lead to mental and physical effects that will require treatment to resolve. These effects can include Paranoia, Psychosis, Immune deficiencies, Organ damage.