Patient safety awareness week kicks off on March 11 until March 17, 2018. It is an initiative of the Institute for Health Improvement (IHI) that is echoed by most stakeholders of the healthcare community. Patient Safety Awareness Week offers an opportunity to recognize the importance of quality care and patient safety. At Amazing Love Health Services, LLC (ALHS), we aim to provide safe, comprehensive, quality care to all our consumers. We believe that safe quality care involves all providers throughout the health continuum and therefore welcome the theme for this year’s patient safety awareness week that is “United for Patient Safety.” To us, quality means investing in internal and outside resources to ensure that we have the culture, structure, and processes necessary to fulfill our mission. ALHS promote patient safety in different areas using the acronym “SAFEST” which stands for:
Safe: Avoid injury to consumers from the care that should help them
Adequate: provide efficient and optimized care based on scientific knowledge
Family/Person-centered: Our care is respectful of family and/or individual preferences, needs, and values
Equitable: We have an open-door policy and our care does not vary based on individual characteristics
Secret/Confidential: We keep all consumers’ information confidential and private at all times
Timely: We reduce waiting times and delays in care.
At ALHS, we believe that healthcare professionals, non-clinical staff, patients, and families all have a role to play in keeping consumers safe and free from harm. We celebrate this week to raise awareness yet keeping in mind that every day is patient safety day!